Purdue College names Chiang its subsequent president
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The Purdue Board of Trustees introduced nowadays (June 10) its unanimous election of Dr. Mung Chiang, lately the John A. Edwardson...
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. — The Purdue Board of Trustees introduced nowadays (June 10) its unanimous election of Dr. Mung Chiang, lately the John A. Edwardson...
WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind – The business of manufacturing, logistics and transportation, like a lot of businesses, is undergoing a data-driven digital transformation, and Wabash, an...
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A police officer is on leave after receiving death threats prompted by a viral cellphone video taken at Purdue University which appears to show the...
Adonis Tuggle with his mother.Courtesy of the Tuggle family.A Purdue University police officer was placed on leave after a video showed he pinned a Black...