Parents unhappy with JCPS’ NTI plan seek alternative homeschooling options

Parents unhappy with JCPS’ NTI plan seek alternative homeschooling options

LOUISVILLE, Ky. (WAVE) – As JCPS plans to virtually return to school on Tuesday, parents scramble to figure out a plan to balance working and teaching their kids from home.

With other options available outside of NTI and in-person learning, one Louisville family explained how a homeschooling alternative has helped their family.

Beyond a modest office building door was the path to a bright future for Vontasia Woods’ daughter, Enari.

”I was watching the news, and I was looking for homeschooling option and I came across it,” Woods said. “This is the school for me, God was listening to me because he knew I needed it.”

Woods says she saw WAVE 3 News report on the Buttafly School, an alternative option for families who need more academic flexibility.

The mother of three was already worried about the lack of one-on-one teacher-student attention her daughter received at JCPS.

Woods knew the district’s NTI plan wasn’t enough.

”When the pandemic started, she came home on a kindergarten-picture reading level,” Woods said. “And she was in the second grade.”

Since enrolling in the Buttafly School in October, Enari is now on a 4th grade reading level in the 3rd grade after working tirelessly on her reading and writing.

Gaining academic confidence, Enari surprises her mom with her goals to give back to the community.

”I want to be a doctor, because I would like to help people who need to be helped,” Enari said.

Buttafly School’s Teacher and Executive Director Tarsha Semakula said the options her school gives is what more and more parents are looking for compared to learning from a computer during NTI.

”The world becomes a classroom, the city becomes a classroom,” Semakula said. “Therefore, they’re always learning and inquisitive and keeps them learning more and digesting more instead of thinking everything is right here in the book, in the classroom.”

Classrooms are usually 13 students or less to keep the one-on-one student-teacher connection. During the pandemic, the Buttafly School still follows pandemic guidelines.

Woods has confidence all the Buttafly School offers will help Enari reach her life’s goals.

”I trust it, I know they’re getting the education that they can take out in the world,” Woods said. “They like and have fun learning.”

Click or tap here to learn more about educational opportunities at the Buttafly School.

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