February 15 is deadline to apply for plethora of scholarships

February 15 is deadline to apply for plethora of scholarships

February 15 is the deadline for students to submit scholarship applications through the Midland Area Community Foundation.

There are a wealth of scholarships available through the foundation, for both traditional and non-traditional college students (including Adult Degree Program students). Below is a sample of some of the scholarships that our Northwood University students could be eligible for.

Two, in particular, are specifically geared toward Northwood students: The Northwood University Scholarship and Pendell Family Scholarship.

If interested, apply at the Foundation website.

Women in Transition

This scholarship will be awarded to a Midland County woman who has had a delay or interruption in education beyond high school and who wishes to work toward a baccalaureate or higher degree. Applicant could also already have a baccalaureate degree and be returning to college for re-education with a specific career goal in mind. A “delay” is any amount of time beyond one year after completion of secondary education. An “interruption” is equal to two full semesters or more en route to a baccalaureate or higher degree. The scholarship is based on a combination of merit, need, and potential contribution to society. Please include the Expected Family Contribution (EFC) page of your completed FAFSA. The essay for this scholarship should describe career goals, reasons for applying for this scholarship, activities or studies in the past five years and expand on potential contributions to society. A previous recipient may reapply for a second year if a 3.0 cumulative GPA or better is achieved during the first year. This award must be used in the academic year following the announcement of the recipient. Incomplete applications will not be considered.

Thurman O. Sr. and Mary E. Armstrong Educational Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County resident. The essay should include information on your academic performance as well as your volunteerism. Please include any barrier you may have overcome in your life as well as your commitment to a career goal, work ethic and determination.

James Ayre Memorial Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship to a Midland County resident who should demonstrate financial need and be pursuing a degree in business or real estate from one of the following colleges: Delta College, Northwood University, Central Michigan University or Western Michigan University. The recipient need not have been an above average or excellent student but should show college potential as determined by school counselors. Available to students pursuing either undergraduate or graduate degrees.

Dr. Shailer L. Bass Memorial Scholarship

Provides an annual grant to a non-traditional student pursuing post high school studies at a community college, college, or university. Previous recipients may reapply.

Carey Family Memorial Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship to a Midland County resident who is graduating from a Midland County Public High School or to a Midland County public high school graduate who is now attending a college or university. Previous recipients are welcome to reapply. Preference will be for Meridian High School graduating seniors or graduates who are studying business, environmental science or education.

Robert W. and Veronica M. Cermak Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to a student pursuing post high school studies at accredited trade or technical schools, community colleges, colleges or universities. For a resident of Midland County who meets the about requirements, and who needs to sharpen old skill or acquire new ones to re-enter the job market, or persons whose formal educations have been interrupted either at the high school or undergraduate levels.

Community Outreach Team (COT) Endowed Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to a graduating high school senior or college freshman, sophomore or junior, whose parent is employed by the Dow Chemical Company, by another tenant of the Michigan Operations manufacturing site or by a contractor with the Michigan Operations manufacturing site, with preference given to applicants who have been involved in the community.

Susan Olney Cozat Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland or Gladwin County woman whose education has been delayed or interrupted and is pursuing any post-secondary education. Preference will be given to single mothers who have underage children living with them and have financial need. Previous recipients may reapply.

Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Employees Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to an employee or dependent of an employee of Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union to pursue post high school studies at an accredited community college, college or university. The employee or their dependent must be a member in good standing with Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union. Previous recipients may reapply.

Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union Members Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to a member in good standing with Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union to pursue post high school studies at an accredited community college, college or university. Employees and dependents of employees of Dow Chemical Employees’ Credit Union are ineligible for awards from this fund. Previous may reapply.

The Glenn R. and Marilyn F. Garrison Scholarship

Provides annual scholarship awards to Midland County residents. The successful applicants must have at least a 3.0 GPA have a good work ethic, and be involved in Christian church activities, and must demonstrate that they are investing in helping others. Graduating high school seniors, current college students, or adult and non- traditional students may apply. One reference should be from a senior pastor, minister or priest.

Christian T. and Margaret R. Goralski Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to students who are graduating or have graduated from a Midland County High School. Applicants will be majoring in science, engineering, mathematics, or accounting at an accredited college or university and maintain a grade point average of 3.0 or better. The applicant must have achieved a 3.0 GPA in high school, be active in the community and their church, and demonstrate financial need. While all criteria must be met, financial need should be a strong priority. Previous recipients may reapply if they are full time students who are majoring in the above fields of study and maintaining at least 3.0 GPA.

Michael and Debra Hayes Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to Midland County High School graduates who have completed at least one year of college and maintained a minimum GPA of 2.5 while pursuing their undergraduate degree. Preference will be given to students with financial need. Scholarship recipients may reapply.

Freda and George Hittel Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship to encourage a student who has completed two years of college studies to continue in a degree program. Preference will be given to a person who has a record of community service, has maintained a 3.0 GPA and can demonstrate financial need. Previous recipients may reapply. The essay for this scholarship should describe achievements, activities, interests, personal and career goals; explain the relationship of the college choice, career goals and future courses; and describe involvements which support commitment to career choice.

Gerald and Phyllis Ilsley Scholarship

Provides annual scholarship awards to a graduating senior, returning student or a non-traditional student who demonstrates financial need. Preference will be given to those who are pursuing a course of study in the skilled trades or office professions.

James R. and Anita H. Jenkins Scholarship for African American Students

Provides an annual scholarship award to an African American student from Midland County who is pursuing a college education.

Mary McDonough Memorial Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to single mothers of Midland County who are raising a family on their own and pursuing a college education. Applicants must have been a Midland County resident for at least one year. All areas of study are open with preference to those entering the office professional/administrative assistant field. An essay describing how the applicant qualifies for this scholarship must accompany the application.

Northwood University Scholarship

Provides annual scholarships to support students attending Northwood University.

Pendell Family Scholarship

Provides Midland County residents the opportunity to earn a business degree at Northwood University, Midland, Michigan.

The Pilgrim Technology Women in Business Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award for higher education to a woman residing in Midland County, and who has a vision of remaining in or returning to Midland County following completion of her education. Graduating high school seniors (not home-schooled students), current college students, and/or adult/nontraditional students may apply. The successful applicant will have demonstrated financial need, successful academic achievement, and will be studying in a business field with a plan to eventually become an entrepreneur. A preference will be given to students who have some history of extracurricular activities and/or service through their institution or community organizations.

Jane Catherine Rubens Memorial Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to a Midland County resident. Successful applicants will demonstrate financial need. The essay for this scholarship should describe goals, interests and reasons for scholarship need.

Eugene B. Skeebo Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to a non-traditional or traditional student (graduating senior or current college student) who is working while attending college. Non-traditional students may be beginning or continuing post-high school education after being in the work force for a number or years. Applicants may plan to attend college on a full or part-time basis, including both day and/or night classes. Preference will be given to those working toward a business degree with an emphasis in finance, accounting or banking.

Howard G. Swift, III Memorial Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship award to an individual who is looking for a “second chance” by seeking higher education. Usually this person will be older than the typical college freshman, will have financial need, and will have experienced significant difficulties and/or hardships in their life. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need, how the applicant meets the criteria for this scholarship, and career objectives after completion of education.

Sharon Tomzcak Memorial Scholarship

Provides an annual scholarship to encourage a person who is pursuing an office professional program or a business program. The term “office professional” includes, but is not limited to, such programs as secretary, medical secretary, legal office professional, administrative assistant, office clerk or stenographer. The successful applicant must have a demonstrated interest in preparing for a career as an office professional, and must be enrolled in a related curriculum, and must demonstrate financial need. One of the applicant’s references should be a teacher. The essay for this scholarship should describe background, financial need and career objectives after completion of education.

Judge James E. “Pinky” Wilson Scholarship ($2,000)

Provides an annual scholarship award to graduates of Midland County high schools (public or private/parochial) or those who have been Midland County residents for at least a year. It is intended to assist students in pursuit of a Baccalaureate degree. Successful applicants will be those most likely to share and act upon Judge Wilson’s philosophy that we should “expand the bridge of opportunity” for others, and to “reach back to help those less fortunate to make the same journey.”

Zonta Club of Midland Scholarship ($2,000)

Provides annual scholarship awards to women of all ages pursuing career goal that till positively impact the status of women. The scholarships may be used at any post-secondary education institution. The scholarships are for women re-entering the workforce or who are in the workforce going back to school. Those entering/vocational certification directly from high school will be considered as well. Applicants must have been a Midland County resident for at least one year. Previous recipients may reapply. The successful applicant will have achieved at least a 2.5 GPA. Preference will be given to women who have supported, and/or plan to support through their education, the advancement of women. Award will be based on financial need, work/life skills, community service/extra- curricular activities (depending on the situation of the applicant), GPA/GED, honors/awards, and references. The essay for this scholarship should describe career goals, what events/situations influenced choice of career, how the scholarship will help the applicant to attain goals, how the applicant plans to help the advancement of women through her career choice, and any circumstances that have created the need for this financial support.


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